Move better, feel better, live more fully.
There was a time when I had shooting pain down my left arm from spending so many hours at my computer working as a magazine editor. There was a time when I couldn’t sit in a chair without pain in the sacral iliac joint in the back of my pelvis. There was a time when I couldn’t walk down the street, go sledding or dance without pain and stiffness in my lower back. I credit the Feldenkrais Method® for helping me learn my way out of all three problems. Now I can work, walk, sled (and snowshoe!) with ease and comfort.
Founder Moshe Feldenkrais considered his movement method to be a system of education. Offered in a class setting or through 1:1 sessions, the work has helped people of all ages and walks—seniors, golfers, singers, swimmers, editors, runners, children, yogis and many others—learn about themselves and how they move. With this knowledge, they can more fully live the lives they want—often including lessening or fully overcoming pain.
Feldenkrais is famous for saying, “If you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want.” What would you like to learn to do more easily?
I’ll be very interested in your answer. After more than 20 years as a student of Feldenkrais, I enrolled in an intensive, eight-months-over-four-years Feldenkrais practitioner training in April 2022. In August 2023, I became an authorized trainee teacher of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® classes. If all goes to plan, I’ll graduate as a Guild-certified Feldenkrais practitioner in September 2025.
Practicing this work is a joy. Sharing it with others is a privilege. Hope to see you in class.
Lisa's Classes:
Please go to our "classes" page to view Lisa's current offerings.
$16/class to drop in
$60/4-week session
$45/3-week session
Ask me about private lessons, online classes, gift certificates and additional pay-what-you-can options.
Lisa accepts cash, check and Zelle (a person-to-person service offered by many credit unions and banks; find me using my name, phone number or email).
If you would like to pay another way, please contact me. Call 585-200-2198.
Or email me at, lisa@hochgraf.com